List of claims and exemptions under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act

This table summarizes claims and exemptions from disclosure of confidential business information that have been submitted to Health Canada under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act.

This page is updated on a regular basis to include new claims filed with Health Canada, as well as status updates for existing claims and exemptions.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact

Displaying 2861 - 2870 of 2930

Table - List of claims and exemptions
Registry number Case number Claimant name Product identifier Claim/exemption status Exemption expiry date
3323688 2019-014710 Afton Chemical Corporation HiTEC® 5738 Performance Additive Active 2025-12-03
3325990 2019-014491 SECURE Specialty Chemicals Corp SECURE MO-8850 Active 2026-03-07
3326017 2019-014093 ChemTreat Inc. ChemTreat FL9729SK Active 2025-10-04
3323460 2019-013396 Advancing Chemistry Inc. Lubexx Active 2025-09-27
3322418 2019-013291 Kop-Coat Enhance™ X Active 2025-09-27
3321981 2019-012311 Westlake Epoxy EPIKURE™ Curing Agent 3383 Active 2026-04-20
3321980 2019-012310 Westlake Epoxy EPIKURE™ Curing Agent 3155 Active 2026-04-20
3321746 2019-012041 Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions Canada GP GENGARD GN8021 Active 2026-01-31
3321745 2019-012040 Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions Canada GP GENGARD GN8240 Active 2026-01-27
3321744 2019-012039 Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions Canada GP GENGARD GN8225 Active 2026-01-27